Coupon Types
Xola offers four varieties of coupons:
- Discount: Reduces the order amount by a percentage or absolute value.
- Unlock: Specify an ad-hoc order amount.
- Demographic Discount: Reduces the order amount by an absolute value based on the quantity of guests.
- Buy X Get Y: Advanced demographic discount coupon that helps incentivize group bookings.
- Voucher: Applied as a payment method (unlike other types which are applied as a discount). Vouchers are a great way to handle campaigns from daily deal sites like Groupon.
Taxes & Fees
All Coupons, with the exception of Vouchers, are applied before taxes & fees. Vouchers are applied after taxes & fees; just like a method of payment.
Purchase Restrictions
All coupon types support the ability to place the following restrictions at redemption:
- Purchase Window: Limits the dates within which this coupon can be redeemed.
- Arrival Window: Limits the arrival date on which the activity takes place.
- Listing Restriction: Limits the coupon to a subset of your listings.
Coupon Codes
A coupon cannot be directly used. It must have "codes" associated with it. A code may be configured to be a limited use, or unlimited use. Xola will keep track of the number of code usages.
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