Webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations which subscribe to certain events on Xola. When one of those events are triggered, Xola will send a HTTP POST payload to the webhook's configured URL.
"eventName": "order.create",
"data": {
// The object that caused this webhook, in this case an order.
"audit": {
// Diff of what changed. Not all webhooks support this.
Supported Webhooks
Event Name | Trigger Condition |
experience.create | An account you have access to creates a new experience |
experience.update | An account you have access to updates an existing experience |
experience.delete | An account you have access to deletes an experience |
user.update | When your account information is updated (by yourself or a delegate) |
user.agent.create | Booking Engines Only: You are granted access to a new account |
user.agent.update | Booking Engines Only: An account has updated the experiences you have access to |
user.agent.remove | Booking Engines Only: Your access to an account has been revoked |
order.create | A booking has been placed for an experience you own. This hook may only be registered by the primary seller account (will not fire for delegates) |
order.update | A booking for an experience you own has been modified. This hook may only be registered by the primary seller account (will not fire for delegates) |
order.cancel | A booking for an experience you own has been canceled. This hook may only be registered by the primary seller account (will not fire for delegates) |
store_credit.update | A store credit has been updated by receiving funds from an order. Typically this happens when a booking has been refunded to a store credit |
installation.create | A seller has installed your plugin. |
installation.update | A seller has updated their installation's configuration. |
installation.delete | A seller has uninstalled your plugin. |